Energy Healer- Ultimate Program-practictioner & teacher training
Course Calendar: 2020-2021
Classes are one Sunday a month for 12 months (with the exception that for 2 weekends during the 12 month curriculum class meets one Saturday and Sunday). Classes are tentatively from 10:00AM-6:00PM. However class starts promptly at 10AM. Class breaks for lunch at 1:00PM (bring your own lunch). Class starts after lunch break promptly at 2PM. The Spirit Biz class will meet three times throughout the course of the 12 months, Spirit Biz class is held live, via video conferencing through zoom.
Location: The Holbrook Wellness Center
• Weekend 1 - March 8th, 2020
Introduction to energy Healing/ Reiki 1
According to the International Center for reiki training:
Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one's "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy. The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words - which means "God's Wisdom or the Higher Power" and Ki which is "life force energy". So Reiki is actually "spiritually guided life force energy." An amazingly simple technique to learn, the ability to use Reiki is not taught in the usual sense, but is transferred to the student during a Reiki class. This ability is passed on during an "attunement" given by a Reiki master and allows the student to tap into an unlimited supply of "life force energy" to improve one's health and enhance the quality of life.
What Reiki is and how it heals
What Reiki can be used for
The history of Reiki and the Reiki Ideals
Introduction to Energy Anatomy—Auras and Chakras
The Reiki Attunement and how it works
Gassho meditation
Reiki I Attunement
The Chakra system
The Bio electric field
Energy and quantum psychics
Hands on Practice:
Byosen Scanning
Hand positions for self-treatment
Hand positions for treating others
Hayashi Healing Guide
• Weekend 2- April 4th and April 5th, 2020 (class meets Saturday & Sunday)
-Psychology of the chakras class 1
Discover the network of seven energy centers that form a vertical column in your body, and learn how they can offer a powerful system for healing and awakening to personal growth. The 7 chakras relate to our personal relationship to self; our relationships with others and when they are properly aligned and utilized we can enter a more refined state of consciousness. In this class you learn the psychology of the 7 chakras and how to apply that psychology into your healing practice and how to combine chakra psychology within the modalities of IET and Reiki. Chakra meditations, rituals, movements, journal exercises and more.
- Reiki Level 2
The Reiki Symbols and how to use them
Guided Meditation to prepare for attunement
Reiki II Attunement
Documenting a Reiki session
Sending Reiki with the eyes (Gyoshi ho)
Sending Reiki with the breath (Koki ho)
Enkaku chiryo
Distant healing—how to send Reiki
How to conduct a complete Reiki session
Hands on practice with the symbols
• Weekend 3- May 2nd and May 3rd, 2020 (class meets Saturday & Sunday)
-Psychology of the chakras class 2
- Advanced Reiki
The Reiki Grid—using Crystals to send Reiki continuously
The Usui Master Symbol—connecting more deeply with your higher self
Guided Meditation to prepare for attunement
Advanced Reiki Attunement
Moving Meditation—bringing Reiki into the body; clearing the mind; grounding
Symbol Work—hands on practice with the Usui Master Symbol Aura Balancing technique—Demonstration and practice
Reiki Symbol Meditation—to connect more deeply with the Reiki symbols and to send Reiki for healing
• Weekend 4- June 7th, 2020
IET Basic (Integrated Energy Therapy)
The IET training classes are each powerful days of self-healing and energy therapy certification training. In each class, you will be attuned to a powerful angelic energy ray that activates your 12-strand Spiritual DNA. You will then learn how to heartlinkto the energy of your angels and use their energy for healing. You will learn how each primary human emotion is correlated to a specific physical region of the body, as well as how to use the IET integration power points to clear them. Fully illustrated training guide and certificate provided with each class. You can be an energy intuitive, and through these IET classes, you will be taught how to feel and interpret energy flow, clear energy patterns in yourself and others, and unlock your soul's purpose.
Attunement to the Basic IET energy ray that will activate the 1 and 2 DNA pairs and will empower you to energize and integrate cellular memory blocks
Location and use of the IET energy integration power points
Introduction to Energy Anatomy and the Cellular Memory Map
Increase in your ability to be an energy intuitive and "read" energy
• Weekend 5- July 12th, 2020
IET Intermediate
Attunement to Intermediate IET energy ray that will activate the 3and 4 DNA pairs and will empower you to pull energy imprints out of the human energy field
Learn to clear energy imprints resulting from past life karma
Methods to "esoterically dowse" and interpret the blockages in the human energy field
• Weekend 6- August 16th, 2020
Reiki Master Teacher Certification Class 1
Reiki Master class certifies you to teach and certify others in the art of Reiki.
​​Difference between the Usui and Tibetan Systems of Reiki
Advanced Reiki Meditation to circulate chi in the body
Tibetan Master Symbols
Guided Meditation to prepare for Attunement
Reiki III/Master Attunement
Hui Yin Exercise —to connect the governing and functioning channels
Violet Breath—to open the person’s central channel and begin attunement
The Healing Attunement —to open a person’s energy field to receive a deeper healing and remove blocks. Demonstration and practice time Day Two How to do all levels of attunementsdemonstration and practice time
Values and Ethics of a Reiki Master
Teaching Reiki—putting a class together, class outlines, certificates, etc.
Other Attunement Methods—Discussion and Demonstration
• Weekend 7- September 20th, 2020
Reiki Master Teacher Certification Class 2
• Weekend 8- October 18th, 2020
IET Advanced
Attunement to the Advanced IET energy ray which unlocks the 5th DNA pair and activates the energy of your soul's purpose• Ability to do a "Soul Star" clearing to activate your soul's purpose.• Use of the Heartnet process to manifest your dream.
Use of the powerful energy wave technique to clear resistance.
Build Heartbeams to anchor angelic energy into the Earth.
• Weekend 9- November 8th, 2020
Karuna Level 1
According to the International Center for reiki training: Karuna is a Sanskrit word and is used in Hinduism and Buddhism. It is translanted to mean any action that is taken to diminish the suffering of others and could also be translated as "compassionate action." Karuna is the motivating quality of all enlightened beings who are working to end suffering on Earth. As you develop Karuna in yourself, not only are you helping others, but you also become more receptive to the Karuna that is being sent by all enlightened beings.
Thus your healing is quickened as well. Karuna Reiki® opens you to work more closely with all enlightened beings. This includes those enlightened ones who are physically present as well as those in spirit.
What is Karuna Reiki
Spiritual guidance and connection with spiritual beings
Karuna Reiki 1 symbols and attunement
• Weekend 10- December 13th, 2020
Karuna Level 2
Karuna level 2 symbols and attunement
What is the shadow self
Shadow self discussion and meditation
• Weekend 11- January 10th, 2021
Karuna Master Teacher
Karuna Master symbols
Karuna master attunement
Karuna teacher training
• Weekend 12- February 7th, 2021
Practical Evaluations
Spirit Biz- The Sacred Laws of abundance- How to create a successful practice
This class is truly a gift to any business owner but especially to those who are on a spiritual path. Learn the laws of abundance and karmic management. When passion becomes purpose there is a divine alignment that can be accessed. When one gives all that they hope to receive the universe responds in great abundance.
THIS CLASS IS DONE LIVE VIA ZOOM, VIDEO CONFERENCING. SIMPLY CLICK ON THE LINK AND EACH SPIRIT BIZ CLASS WILL BE HELD LIVE ON THE COMPUTER FOR YOU TO ATTEND IN THE COMFORT OF YOUR HOME (you must review all lessons online on your own prior to each live session). Class goes Live at 7:00pm! Class time is 7:00PM-8:15PM.
Lesson 1- The Universe and it's Vision for You
Lesson 2- The Seeds of Abundance
Class Date for Review- 07/20/2020
Lesson 3- The Seeds of Inaction
Lesson 4- The Seeds of Success
Class Date for Review- 10/26/2020
Lesson 5- The Seeds of Service/Spirit Biz Tribe
Lesson 6- Spiritual Marketing & Management
Class Date for Review- 1/25/2021
MAKE UP DATES: In the event that we need to schedule a make up date, the dates allocated for a make up class are March 6th and 7th, 2021.
Energy Healing Course work- Students will create a healing log. Each student must complete 3 healing sessions within the 12 month program. Each healing session must be 30-45 minutes long. One Usui Reiki healing sessions, one Karuna healing sessions and one IET healing sessions. Students must keep a detailed log for all sessions completed to be handed in at the end of the program. There are 3 tests and one practical exam given during the course of the 12 month program. YOU WILL NEED TO STUDY THE MATERIAL IN BETWEEN CLASSES, THIS PROGRAM REQUIRES TIME FOR SELF STUDY AND YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR PRIVATE STUDY TIME AND COURSE WORK.
IMPORTANT NOTE:This program requires you to have access to a computer and basic computer literacy skills. All classes come with a comprehensive online module, if at anytime you can not attend a class you are responsible to review that class online. If a class canceled or cannot meet in person due to weather conditions etc.. the class will be held via ZOOM video conferencing. You will also need to review the full online class available for material and reference.
DISCOUNTS MAY APPLY- some applying students may have previously taken some of the courses from Anna Miranda. If the applying student has previously taken any of the curriculum courses they do not have to attend those courses as they have already met that classes particular requirement. However they will be required to complete any homework or assignments pertaining to those classes. There are 12 weekends within the Ultimate Healer program, the tuition for each weekend is $265. If the student has already met certain course requirements they do not have to pay the full tuition fee for that month, they will receive a discounted tuition fee. Please see the discounted tuition terms in detail by visiting the tuition page.
Usui and Karuna Reiki Requirements: If the student already has received prior reiki training from Anna Miranda or through a teacher who is a certified teacher through The International Center for Reiki or an affiliate member of The International Center for Reiki Training that is teaching the International Center for Reiki's curriculum founded by William Lee Rand, they may be excused from reiki training as long as they show proof of their Reiki Certification. However they will be required to complete any homework or assignments pertaining to reiki classes. If they are excused from the reiki training the tuition for that class is discounted. If they choose to attend class to review the material the student will then only be charged the monthly $75 program fee. If the student has not been trained in The International Center for Reiki Training curriculum they must attend Reiki training and cannot be excused from class training.
IET Requirements: If the student already has received prior IET training from Anna Miranda or through another teacher through The Center of Being, they may be excused from IET Training as long as they show proof of their IET Certification. However they will be required to complete any homework or assignments pertaining to IET classes. If they are excused from any of the IET training the tuition for that course is discounted. If they choose to attend class to review the material the student will only be charged the $75 program fee.