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Energy Healer- Ultimate Program-practictioner & teacher training 

Tuition Breakdown: 12 month program



The tuition for the Ultimate Energy Healer program is $265 a month. The tuition is automatically deducted from your credit/debit account each month via Stripe. The training program is 12 months. Class meets one Sunday a month (with the exception that for 2 weekends during the 12 month curriculum class meets one Saturday and Sunday).  The Spirit Biz class will meet three times throughout the course of the 12 months, Spirit Biz class is held live, via video conferencing through zoom.


All the classes provided in the training program are also offered individually. If you were to take each class individually it would cost $3,585. By entering the program you receive all the training, which includes certifications in Usui Reiki Master, Karuna Reiki Master and IET Advanced Practitioner for $3,180, that’s a savings of $405. With the benefit of being trained in 12 months and the convenience of paying just $265 monthly. 


DISCOUNTS MAY APPLY- some applying students may have previously taken some of the courses from Anna Miranda or they may already have prior reiki or IET training through another teacher. If the applying student has previously taken any of the curriculum courses that meet the curriculum guidelines below they do not have to attend those courses as they have already met that classes particular requirement. However they will be required to complete any homework or assignments pertaining to those classes.


Usui and Karuna Reiki Requirements: If the student already has received prior reiki training from Anna Miranda or through a teacher who is a certified teacher through The International Center for Reiki or an affiliate member of The International Center for Reiki Training that is teaching the International Center for Reiki's curriculum founded by William Lee Rand, they may be excused from reiki training as long as they show proof of their Reiki Certification. However they will be required to complete any homework or assignments pertaining to reiki classes. If they are excused from the reiki training the tuition for that class is discounted. If they choose to attend class to revue the material the student will be charged an audit fee (see below for more details). If the student has not been trained in The International Center for Reiki Training curriculum they must attend Reiki training and cannot be excused from class training. 


IET Requirements: If the student already has received prior IET training from Anna Miranda or through another teacher through The Center of Being, they may be excused from IET Training as long as they show proof of their IET Certification. However they will be required to complete any homework or assignments pertaining to IET classes. If they are excused from the IET training the tuition for that class is discounted. If they choose to attend class to revue the material the student will be charged an audit fee (see below for details).



There are 12 weekends within the Ultimate Healer program, the tuition for each weekend is $265. 

Weekend 1 and weekends 4-12 only meet one Sunday a month. If a student is excused from a particular class given during weekend 1 or weekends 4-12 because they have already met that course requirement $190 is deducted from the monthly tuition fee, however the student will still be charged a program fee. In order for the student to remain in the program there is a $75 monthly program fee. See example below.


Example: Weekend 1 (Tuition $265)

- Sunday- Reiki 1 (Credit $190)

Tuition - $75


Weekends 2 and 3 class meets on Saturday and Sunday. If a student is excused from one of the two classes cause they have already met that class requirement during weekend 2 or 3 they will receive $95 off the tuition for the class they have already met the requirement for, however they will be charged for the class still required and the program fee. See example below.


Example: Weekend 2 (Tuition $265)

- Saturday- Psychology of the Chakras class 1 

-Sunday Reiki 2 (Credit $95)

Tuition - $170


If the student has been excused from Chakra Psychology which meets weekend 2 and 3, cause they have already met that class requirement they will receive the $95 off for weekend 2 and 3. See Example below.


Example: Weekend 2 (Tuition $265)

- Saturday- Psychology of the Chakras class 1 (Credit $95)

-Sunday Reiki 2 

Tuition - $170


Weekend 3 (Tuition $265)

- Saturday- Chakra Psychology class 2 (Credit $95)

-Sunday- Advanced reiki 

Tuition- $170


During weekend 2 and 3 if the student has met all the class requirements they will only be charged the $75 program fee in order to remain in the program. See example below.


Example: Weekend 2 (Tuition $265)

- Saturday- Psychology of the Chakras class 1(Credit $95

-Sunday Reiki 2 (Credit $95)

Tuition - $75


CLASS AUDITING- If a student is excused from any class they can choose to not attend class or they can attend class to audit the class for review or the student can revue the course material online. 


All students receive 20% off any extended education class offered; during the 12 months they are in school. Anna Miranda teaches classes all year round that are not a part of this training program. These classes will be offered to students enrolled in the training program for 20% off as extended education classes, during their 12 months of study in the Ultimate Energy Healer program. Some of these classes may include, astral travel or lucid dreaming, mediumship development etc. They also receive 20% off any private session they schedule with Anna Miranda, during the 12 month program for a reading or healing (this does not include private make up classes for missed courses, students get 55% off private course make ups. Private mentor sessions are $150, students in the program get a private mentor for a make up class for $65).


All students that complete the Ultimate Energy Healer Program periodically receive 10% coupons to use toward any class or private session after their graduation to encourage further study. Students will also be listed on Anna Miranda’s website in the student directory for Energy Healers upon completion of the program. All graduating students also receive a badge ID that can be used on their business cards and website stating that they are a graduate of the program. Students will receive a certificate for every course completion in the entire curriculum as well as their Ultimate Energy Healer certificate.



Course Curriculum: Compare discounted pricing for enrolling in the program

Class prices if you were to take each class individually without entering the program.

  • Reiki Level 1- $175

  • Reiki Level 2- $200

  • Psychology of the Chakras- $210

  • Advanced Reiki- $275

  • Reiki Master Teacher Certification- $600

  • Karuna Level 1- $200

  • Karuna Level 2- $200

  • Karuna Master- $400

  • IET Basic- $200

  • IET Intermediate-$250

  • IET Advanced- $250

  • Spirit Biz 101- How to create a successful practice and deal with challenging clients- $495


Certificate Program Class Pricing- $265 a month, $3,180 after 12 months, that’s $275 in savings.



Terms and Conditions:

Tuition billing will begin on the week of the first class date. Payments are automatically deducted each month from your debit/credit account on file via Stripe. The program is 12 months. Students will be billed $265 for 12 months (unless specified otherwise).

  • If at anytime a student fails to attend class tuition is still charged (unless specified otherwise).

  • In the event that a student fails to meet the course requirements upon graduation there are no refunds.

  • If at anytime during the course of the 12-month program a student decides not to complete the curriculum and or drop out of the program there are no refunds for courses already completed, however they will no longer be charged for any upcoming classes, monthly tuition will be ceased upon cancelation of program participation. However they will be charged a $100 cancelation fee.

  • Students who fail to complete the program do not receive their Ultimate Energy Healer certificate and do not receive any of the graduate discounts and or title of Ultimate Energy Healer Graduate in  the student directory. 

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